Out of the Office ;)

Just a heads up to anyone who might want to contact me in the next few weeks! I’m off to China tomorrow and have decided to go cold turkey on email and the internet. See you when I’m back šŸ™‚


One day sale at Changeling Press

Changeling has a new website and they want your help to test it! Please visit Changeling on their newer, faster server — http://www.changelingpress.com/ (your links and shortcuts may need to be refreshed, depending on your browser) — and save 10% on your next order.

Use the discount code BlueMoon for 10% off one order, as many books as you can fit in your cart — now till February’s over!


CAPA Nominee

I’m getting ready to settle down and celebrate the holidays with my family, but before I do that I wanted to pass on that the CAPA nominees were announced today, and my lovely friend Ally Blue has been nominated for Best GLBT Romance for Life, Love and Lemon Cookies!!! Yay!!

My anthology, Escape, which contains The Frog in the Room was also nominated for Best Anthology so I’m tickled!!

Ā The final awards will be announced on February 14, 2012.


‘Twas the Night Before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through Jadeā€™s house
Not a creature was stirring, not even Tomā€™s ā€˜mouseā€™.
The boys were all tired from their last bout of sex,
All of them dreaming of Rick in spandex.

Daniel was nestled beside Rick, Colt and John,
Tom, on his other side, encased him with brawn.
The twins and gay Bob, the girls, Ken and Big Joe,
Had just settled themselves beside Jade, all aglow.

Each little head filled with tidings of joy and peace,
Wishing all of you here happiness without cease.

Happy Holidays!


White Hot Changeling Christmas!

Eight chances to win free books for a year!


Buy any White Hot Christmas (WHC) story during the month of December and you’re automatically entered to win. Every purchase of a WHC counts as a contest entry.

Winners for the FREE Books for a Year will be announced December 31st at the Changeling New Yearā€™s Eve Party, held on the Changeling Press Readersā€™ Loop.

More information can be found here: http://www.changelingpress.com/special_event.php


Street teams

Iā€™ve been hearing about street teams over the past few weeks soĀ I wanted to do an experiment. A street team is pretty much a group of people who ā€˜hit the streetsā€™ promoting an event or a product. I know several authors have done something like this, where they have a team of people who provide word of mouth promotion to books and in exchange they get goodies and freebies from the author, like books, tote bags, tee shirts, etc.

Like so: Lisa Sanchez, Karin Tabke, CJ Lyons, etc.

Thoughts? Feelings? Does this work? Is it somethingĀ readers areĀ interested in participating in?

Iā€™m thinking of testing the waters with it, soā€¦

Until December 31st:Ā 

FIRST, read and post a review of any of my books available at Amazon.

THENĀ send me the link to your review (to jade.buchanan@yahoo.com with the subject line ā€œAmazon Reviewā€) and you can request a free ebook in exchange (since weā€™re keeping this to Amazon for now, your free ebook will be gifted to you through kindle, which you can read on a variety of devices through the many kindle apps).

Read, Review, Request, Repeat!!

I started out as a reviewer, and I loves me some free books, so this seems to come full circle for me!


Cyber Monday Sale!

All Romance Ebooks is having a Cyber Monday sale right now with a 50% rebate on your order. The good news is that most of my books are available at ARE: http://www.allromanceebooks.com/storeSearch.html?searchBy=author&qString=Jade+Buchanan

The even better news is that Hard Candy and Storykeeper already have a 50% discount so you’re getting the rebate back on the discounted price… that’s 75% off!! What are you waiting for?

Storykeeper: http://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-thestorykeeper-641875-144.html

Hard Candy: http://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-hardcandybanditcreek-639542-144.html


New Site!

Welcome to my new website! Yes, it looks very similar to the old one, but I’ve finally got my books organized the way I wanted and I should have all the free reads linked now. Come in and visit and be sure to let me know what you think!


Archived News!

April, 2011 – Broken Rules is available now!

March, 2011 – Working on Unbearable and trying to contain my laughter just in case people think I’m a crazy person šŸ˜‰

February, 2011 – Good news! Rookery Cove: Faun of a TimeĀ is up at Changeling Press for $0.99. Can’t go wrong with that! I’m currently working on a few ideas that I’m hoping will turn into stories. I know the sequel to Bear with Me will be released later this year (I’m hoping for May), but I’m not sure about dates for anything else so stay tuned for more news! Continue reading
