Romance Reader Survey

The Rainbow Romance Writers — the GLBTQ chapter of the Romance Writers of America — has developed a survey for romance readers, because we’re nosy. Ha, no, we just want to see what sorts of romance you guys read, how you read it, and where you get it. Click the button above to take our survey. At the end, you can enter your email if you like for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card. Your WILL be kept confidential and separate from your survey answers.

A link can be found through this site:


RWA and same-sex romances

I’m talking today about the recent decision of the Romance Writers Ink to exclude same-sex romances from their More than Magic contest. I think Kari Gregg, Heidi Cullinan and Stephani Hecht do an amazing job of outlining what’s going on and what their positions are, so I won’t go into too many details except to say that this isn’t simply about a contest. It’s about more than that.

As a writer of GLBT romances and as a GLBT writer (not the same thing, despite what some think), I find words/phrases like “uncomfortable” and “too much” make my chest ache. As a human being, I find discrimination and exclusion make me want to stand up and shout out my support as loud as I can.

I write gay romances. I am gay. I realize those two things, separately or together, make some people “uncomfortable”. I realize that some people might think that who I am and what I write is “too much”.

I’m lucky that I’m surrounded by people — family, friends, writers, associates — that are “comfortable” with me and what I write. I’m blessed that there are people in this world who think what I write and who I am are “just right”.

I answered the call to arms and tweeted, facebooked, and emailed both RWA and the RWI chapter; but I’m not going to focus on the bad anymore. I’m going to focus on the good.

I’m thankful for the Rainbow Romance Writers, an organization I’m fortunate enough to have had a hand in building as their first president. I’m thankful for my outstanding Calgary RWA chapter who support me and my writing and who are some of the most loving people you’ll ever meet. I’m thankful for my critique partners for making me a better person and my friends that aren’t in one of the above groups 🙂 Above all, I’m thankful for my family who love me and make me believe every day that I’m special and worthy.

I’m thankful for people who stand up for what they believe in.


P.S. If you’d like to send a polite letter to RWA, you can email them at
